Pastor's Blog

Commitment or Fulfillment

June 2, 2017

Which is more important in a relationship – commitment or fulfillment? Although it’s nice when both ingredients are present, past history tells us there are times when that utopia isn’t available. So which is it? Would you agree it depends on your point of view? We want our relationships to offer us fulfillment but also realize a big part of that is found in commitment. It works well when our friends are committed to us and we reap a benefit.

Issues arise when the desire for fulfillment trumps the required foundation of commitment. Every relationship moves through seasons where doldrums replace the initial fun and fulfillment and it becomes work to stay connected. But simply because a relationship isn’t what it used to be doesn’t mean it has zero value. If you’ve been married for a number of years, you can appreciate that the seasons of difficulty have added a certain strength to the covenant you made and each of you are far better because of it.

Let me encourage you to consider this commitment in your relationships. In every marriage ceremony there is a time when the bride and groom state their vows. “I take you … for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.” Is that vow rooted in commitment or fulfillment? The one making the vow is all about commitment. How about your relationship to fellow church members? While the vow wasn’t quite that formal, church membership is a relationship that is founded on commitment. As a church member, we vow to: “… live lovingly (John 13:34-35), pray passionately, attend consistently, give cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7), serve faithfully (Romans 12:6-8), and grow spiritually (2 Peter 3:18)”. The beautiful reality is that as we pursue our commitment, the fulfillment will follow. Try it. Take a month and pray diligently for your fellow members. Volunteer to serve in a ministry. When you do, you’ll never regret it.

Pastor Dave

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