Pastor's Blog

How about the weather

February 24, 2017

How about the weather?

If you were able to get of the house last week you enjoyed some spectacular weather. As I put these thoughts to paper, the windows in the sanctuary and surrounding areas are all open in an attempt to freshen up the air. And then some silly forecaster wants to tell us snow is in the forecast 48 hours from now. I’m guessing that most of us are praying the forecast models have it wrong.

One of the sessions during our Youth Snow Camp Retreat last week focused on the place of prayer in our lives. The speaker used Elijah’s prayer in 1 Kings 18:36-37 as a model of a prayer that has power through relationship. When is the last time you needed God to do something and you went to Him humbly and broken, asking Him to do what only He can do? Daniel also prays along these same lines in Daniel 9:3-19. There is a lot going on here but we see Daniel approach the Lord humbly and in need of something only God could do. I’ve committed verse 19 to memory to use in times of personal prayer.

Take some time this week and read through Daniel’s prayer. Notice that he rehearses the actions of the whole and takes responsibility for their actions. More than just reading it, will you consider what could happen here at Hillcrest if all of us were doing the soul searching that Daniel does? The elders ask for your prayers as we set out a plan to make a difference here in Muscatine. We are convinced that God desires a strong and vibrant HBC here in this community. We want to, and need to, follow His lead. I’m asking you to commit to praying for our church on a regular basis. I also need you to come out to our church prayer meetings where we pray as a group. We need Him to lead. When He does, we will never regret it.

Pastor Dave.

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