Pastor's Blog

It’s all in the perspective

May 20, 2017

“It’s enough to make one lose faith in God.” Do you know who said that? Think about the quote before you read on. Maybe you have felt that way or someone you know has uttered those words. It appears to come from a place of great despair and spiritual bleakness. As I read it, I felt sorry for the author and wished I could intervene. Until I saw that it was sent from a military stronghold in Berlin known as “The Fuhrerbunker”. It was written and sent by Eva Braun in the last days of the Nazi regime. Eva was the wife of Adolph Hitler and she was bemoaning the fact that God was no longer blessing the efforts of her husband.

When you let that sink in, it makes you shake your head. She was losing faith in God because the murderous ways of her husband’s rule were drawing to a close. What about the people on the other side of the fence? Those stuck in concentration camps awaiting rescue but facing death. Perhaps they should’ve been the ones who were losing faith in God. I’m guessing not many of you feel bad for Eva and her husband. But her perspective presents a unique teaching thought.

Think for a moment about some of our blind spots when it comes to difficult times in our lives. They are hard to see and that’s where they get their name. You can’t see them, but they are worth noting. Instead of getting mad at God or assume He’s punishing us, what if we changed our perspective. This is what Paul is driving to in Philippians 4:11-12. He had “… learned in whatever state I am, to be content” (NKJV). This learning required a change of perspective. Paul’s resolution wasn’t in a change of circumstances, but a change of attitude. Decide to today to ask God to change your perspective when you are going through difficult times. When you do, you’ll never regret it.

Pastor Dave

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