Pastor's Blog

“Never Forget?”

September 15, 2017

This past week brought a “never forget” moment to the minds of many Americans. It was 16 years ago on 9/11 that terrorists turned airplanes into missiles and forever altered the collective conscience of this country. Many people remembered the fateful day by declaring where they were at when they heard the news of the attack. If you are older than 25, you probably have the particulars of how you found out deeply engraved on your soul.

There are many areas of life that could benefit from a call to remembrance. Think about how often you forget something important. An anniversary, a task, or items needed at the grocery store all fall into that “I forgot” bucket from time to time. It’s usually inconvenient to have to run back to the store for the one ingredient you don’t have.

While forgetting those things will cause some temporary discomfort, what happens when we forget items of greater consequence? Things like God’s Design for us, His Sovereignty, and His Blessing are some areas that people are prone to forget. Psalm 77 is a Psalm of Remembrance. In twenty verses, a form of the word “remember” is used 5 times. The author appears to have forgotten some important realities. But remembering is not a discipline unto itself. He uses a couple of tools to aid in remembering. These devices include: a consideration of past difficulties (v. 6a), meditation (v. 6b), rehashing of past times of Faithfulness (v. 10-11), a public proclamation of God’s actions (v. 12), and worship and amazement at the goodness of God (v. 13).

It takes discipline to remember what God has done. Remembering isn’t only for nostalgia. The benefit of this discipline is in the strength it brings to face new trials and new difficulties. You find hope in remembering. You find promise in remembering. You find God’s faithfulness in remembering. Commit today that you will “Never Forget”. When you do, you’ll never regret it.

Pastor Dave.

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