Pastor's Blog

“The Time is Now”

August 18, 2017

The news for the last several days has introduced us to Charlottesville Virginia. Two weeks ago, this town of less than 50,000 residents was best known as the home of Thomas Jefferson’s beloved Monticello. It wouldn’t be a stretch to think that most residents long for those days to quickly return. That is unlikely to happen as the clash involving “alt-right” protestors placed a permanent stain on their history.

In response to the events and dialogue coming out of this melee, I offer some actions to consider. The time is now to seek God’s face for the healing of our nation. These tensions didn’t flare up overnight and the repercussions will likely be felt for years. I like Nehemiah 8 for many reasons, but one reason in particular seems timely. The culmination of national unity is understood as Ezra stands and reads God’s Word. Only through much prayer, effort, and trust were the people reunited and unified in purpose.

The time is now to take a clear stand against any group that promotes hate and violence towards others. As humans we are all made in the image of God (“Imago Dei”). This is not limited to only people of your color, gender, or friends. Hating someone simply because they look different than you do or because they were born in a different country is a heart issue that needs to be dealt with. Albert Mohler Jr. puts it this way “You cannot preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and hold to any notion of racial superiority.” If your blood pressure is rising remember that Christ isn’t white, American, or wealthy.

The time is now to demonstrate Christlike attitudes towards those you see in your day-to-day life. In Acts 10:9-16, God used a unique setting to prepare Peter for a calling that would make him uncomfortable. The reminder in verse 15 easily translates to today. We need to remember that God has created and loves others. Will you commit to doing the same?

Pastor Dave

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