Pastor's Blog

“A Little Bit of Light”

October 23, 2020

In my library there is a book which recounts the story of six American Navy Pilots in World War II. These pilots launched from a carrier deck in the North Atlantic on a mission to surveil some enemy submarines. While they were away on their mission, the Captain of the Aircraft Carrier was forced to issue a blackout alarm – no visible lights allowed for the carrier to remain stealthy. As the pilots approached the ship, the lead pilot radioed to the ship operator asking him to turn on the landing lights. “Blackout Alarm issued, no light allowed” was all the operator could say. A few minutes later, another pilot radios to the deck asking for a little bit of light. The reply came back, “Blackout Alarm – no light allowed.” Each of the pilots requesting some direction received the same reply, “No light allowed.” Six pilots went to their grave in the cold North Atlantic because they weren’t able to get the light they needed to land. 

Put yourself in this story and contemplate how you’d react. The fear of those pilots trying to accept that their life expectancy was now measured in gallons of fuel. Can you put your life together and prepare for the end when you’ve been given minutes to live? But how does that operator, sitting on the ship with the light switch at his command, go on and live normally? Undoubtedly he was under strict orders and was doing his duty. But all they needed was a little bit of light. And he was unable to provide that. 

If we stop and look around, we know people who are calling out for a little bit of light. It might not be as clear as a radio squawk, but the light they need is every bit as life giving. And when we consider the words of John 1:4-5, Jesus Christ is the Light that our world needs – even though they might not completely understand it (verse 5). Be alert this week for someone who is in need of a little bit of Light and then be willing to show them the Hope that Jesus offers. Hillcrest, it is time for us to help others know Jesus. Let us be faithful.

Pastor Dave

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