Pastor's Blog

Enough Room

January 26, 2018

Enough Room?

My daughter’s class went on a field trip last spring and I volunteered to chaperone. (Nothing tops “Best Dad of the Year” award like hanging with your Jr. High daughter and her friends!) One of the stops we made was to a museum with a hands on rock/fossil exhibit. The lady leading this exhibit had a unique mix of passion, knowledge, and humorless wit; to put it differently, she was uber excited about things that no one else cared much about. I appreciated that even though the eighth grade girls weren’t that into rocks, it didn’t dampen her enthusiasm.

As I put this column together, I fear maybe the same scenario is visible, although with different players. I hope you have been enjoying the sermon series this month “God Sees When”. I have enjoyed being reminded of the omniscience of God during times we tend to forget He’s there. During some reading this week, I was reminded of another time when God’s Sees. John 20 includes the account of our favorite skeptic, Thomas. Here was one who had followed Jesus but became disillusioned by the dissonance at Christ’s death and resurrection. He couldn’t resolve it so he questioned even the event. (John 20:25. This pokes some holes in the theory that if we could just see Jesus it would make our faith rigid.) Jesus resolves this in verses 27 when He offers Thomas the exact things he said he needed.  This passage reminds us “God sees when we are overcome by doubt.”

We don’t like the word “doubt” – it is seen by some as a mark of spiritual immaturity, and by others as a sign of full-blown wickedness. Don’t fall into either of these traps. Each of us spends time doubting. Laura Story has a song titled “Blessings” that says, “We doubt your goodness, we doubt your Love/ As if every promise from Your Word is not enough.” Don’t be afraid of doubt. God sees you even when you are questioning. There is room at the cross even when we doubt.  Commit to seeking Him during these times. When you do, you’ll never regret it.

Pastor Dave

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