Pastor's Blog

“I did it”

July 28, 2017

“I did it”

These words summarize a text from a friend that resulted in a minor celebration. They had been able to accomplish a goal and excitedly shared the news of completion. The good news was that I had been praying for them and the quest. The not so good news is that I hadn’t told them I was praying in case it didn’t work out. So the text came as a relief but also a rebuke. And then my mind went to James 1:5-8 where there is an admonition to pray expectantly. I hadn’t done that.

I spent the next day doing a personal debriefing of sorts. During this time of examination, I uncovered a couple of attitudes clearly evident in my prayers for my friend. I offer up this transparent self-diagnosis as an encouragement for your consideration in your own life. First thing I realized was that I desired to protect God. That sounds quite immature, but as this process unfolded I decided I wouldn’t say, “I am praying for you” in case it didn’t work out. I didn’t want them to come back to me with “See, God couldn’t even do something this simple.” I wish I had taken the risk. God is quite capable of protecting himself. I also realized that I wasn’t allowing God to operate in the mundane areas of life. I imagine we all understand that as a Christ follower, my life becomes His Life. I willingly submit to His wisdom, will, and guidance. How about the areas of life with little consequence? This is one of the greatest qualities of God, His intimate knowledge of us. Nothing is too big for Him and no thing is too small for Him.

I reluctantly called my friend and confessed that while I was excited, I also needed to share this story. What is it that keeps you from a dedicated prayer life? Will you commit today to evaluating your efforts in this spiritual discipline? When you do, you’ll never regret it.

Pastor Dave.

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