Pastor's Blog

It makes you appreciate it

April 27, 2018


      Finally, the weather every Iowan banks on has arrived. This past week had some perfect days with highs around 70, lows in the 40’s, and ample sun each day. These days, both fall and spring, are what make Iowa living grand. I was remarking to a couple this week that these days overwhelm the winter time blues and we feel like some of the most fortunate people on earth. 

As you appreciate the glorious weather, take a few minutes to reflect on spiritual matters. Remember those times God’s Word spoke directly to the issue you were facing. Or those moments a friend knew exactly what to do and say to provide needed encouragement in dark waters. These are the times our soul feels refreshed in all God is able to accomplish through us. 

The dark times help us appreciate the Light that is Jesus. Jesus’ self-description in John 8:12 offers up the benefit of Light in Darkness. The Light is able to push the dark back and illuminate the way for the Christ Follower (Psalm 119:105). This truth is appreciated when you are stuck in the middle of great darkness. It doesn’t mean the situation goes away, but we do know that we look to Jesus to bring us through. Just as the bitter cold of January makes you appreciate the warmth of April, dark times in your life should make you appreciate the Light that is Jesus. 

The lonely times help us appreciate the care and concern of a Savior who knows us personally. Luke 12:6-7 show us an interesting fact – God knows things about you that you don’t even know. There is an oxymoron playing out in culture today with social media. People who have a large friend/follower base in their online world tend to be more disconnected than those who maintain a small group. Loneliness is never any fun, but in those moments the refreshing truth of Jesus can overwhelm your sadness. Commit to letting the difficult times help you appreciate the love and concern of our Great Lord. When you do, you’ll never regret it.

Pastor Dave

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