Pastor's Blog

“Things that make you wonder”

May 4, 2018


It’s been almost a week now and I still shake my head in disbelief and amazement. A quick run to the grocery store yielded a comical story that I will have to put away in the “I’ll never know what was going on” file. The compact four-door car ahead of my wife and I at the stop sign had the rear passenger side door open. There are many reasonable guesses as to why this would be and I didn’t think about it much – until the car proceeded to turn left. The rear door swung all the way open and then came back and stopped half way. At this point, most of us would be looking for the nearest place to pull over and shut the door we had inadvertently left open. Not this driver. Not this car. We followed at a distance (Susie required that I hang back in case “something” fell out) for several more turns and stops. Although I really wanted to follow along to see a good resolution to the situation my turn approached and I gave up the chase. 

How many times does life do the same to you? Just when you thought everything was clicking along, out of nowhere the side door opens up and your life seems to be fodder for a daytime talk show? Feuding Families, Silly Supervisors, and Mad Marriage Partners can all undermine even the strongest faith you can muster. It is during these time that we begin to wonder about the plan God has for us. Psalm 46 offers great encouragement when life forces on us circumstances which cause fear and despair. Verses 1-3 make a powerful introduction to a Psalm noted as teaching that “God [is] the Refuge of His People”. I can’t think of a more fitting end for a Psalm than verse 11. These few words eloquently and succinctly declare all that we need in times of despair. Commit today to finding the resolution of life’s issues in God’s Word. When you do, you’ll never regret it.

Pastor Dave

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