Pastor's Blog

Wonder Woman’s Theology

June 9, 2017

I know exactly when it happened. I was in seminary and a professor required us to watch a movie and “interact” with the characters about their prejudices and worldview. (The arguing is easy when the character’s honor can’t be defended.) Throughout the class, this movie interaction exercise was frequent and my family will argue that I’m not near as fun at movies anymore. I don’t know if my Prof intended us to utilize this discipline after the class, but I have been unable to disconnect.

As my family and I watched the latest installment of a comic book “hero” (in this case heroine is more appropriate) tackling worldwide evil on the big screen, I was intrigued by all the references made to biblical accounts and actions. I will spare you the gory details except for a quote made towards the end of the movie. Wonder Woman is trying to make a point about how she sees the world and says “only love will truly save the world.” I was so impressed with this quote I asked my children after the movie if they had heard Wonder Woman reference Jesus during the movie.

I agree with Diana Prince’s statement with a few qualifiers attached. Unfortunately, saving the physical world requires a different discipline from love. On any given day, there are rulers and leaders plotting how to take over the world for their own selfish pursuits and love won’t change their mind. Love won’t stop disease, tornados, or tsunamis. But Love can save the world in the spiritual sense. The offer of salvation for eternity stems from a heart of love. John 3:16 reminds us that it was God’s Love that moved first. Wonder Woman was pleased to announce that love will save the world. We are pleased to announce that Love (Jesus’ sacrifice) is saving the world. Will you take that message to your world? When you do, you’ll never regret it.

Pastor Dave

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